Let us help with your business challenges
Support ~ Guidance ~ Expertise ~ Solutions
Our approach…
Informal, impartial, no obligation initial phone call, video session or if preferred, a face-to-face* meeting.
We’ll discuss your business at a high level to better understand what service or scope of support you’re potentially looking for.
And or we can get specific: discuss business goals and potentially start to work through ideas for improvement and even look at possible solutions. We can build a plan for next steps.
There’s no obligation to have a follow-on session, but if you are keen to proceed, then great, let baudroom take some of the load and we’ll come back to you with initial thoughts and suggestions for next steps.
Complete the Contact form below to start the process and we can get things rolling.
* Note happy to have a face-to-face meeting, logistical costs may apply.
Once we’ve explored some ideas and possible solutions/direction, we’ll organise a follow-up session to ensure we’re on the right track or simply exchange a few emails if easier, to capture next steps.
On a call, we can run through the details and agree the planned scope of the work and also explore other areas that might have become apparent since the initial consultation or based on our research/observations.
Again, we’re flexible with regards to the means that works best for you and can offer a phone call, video or if preferred, a face-to-face* meeting.
* As before, happy to have a face-to-face meeting, logistical costs may apply.
Plan & Quote
A clear two way understanding of the project/task scope and alignment, is always a baudroom priority.
Using a Statement of Work (SoW) document, defines the various elements or tasks required, with associated owner, goals/expectations, associated measures (if required), proposed start and end dates.
We will also capture assumptions and activities that may need to be completed or have been agreed to be delivered, by your organisation and/or a third party.
baudroom can flex to accommodate the inevitable project changes and evolutions, not a problem.
In summary, alongside voice and email comms, we aim to ensure that you will know what will be delivered, by whom, by when and at what cost.
About baudroom…
baudroom (pronounced ‘boardroom’) is an independent company based in the UK.
Built on the founders 30+ years in the Telecommunications industry, baudroom has a strong business background, broad reaching knowledge, experience and expertise.
We can help with specific objectives, such as managing a team of developers for a particular project, providing a Product Manager and/or Scrum Master role, researching a technology refresh, for example a new telephony system.
Use us as a sounding board or sounding baud if you will, to test out, germinate and develop ideas, strategies and goals. There may be the need for further research or canvassing opinion with your customers or suppliers, again we can help here.
We offer a broad range of Services, from project management to guidance with technology updates, from recruitment, to product development, marketing and training.
We’re very flexible from both a pricing and service perspective, so why not take up our free consultation offer by completing the Contact form below…
Contact Us
Interested in working together?
Provide your details and we will be in touch shortly…